Ralph & Norton

Meet brothers Ralph and Norton. They are so friendly, so brave, and so full of energy. Estimated to be born May 20th, 2021 their mother was abandoned (pregnant) at a vet clinic. These two sweethearts were quickly adopted, but due to changes in their former adopter's personal life, they could no longer keep the boys and so Ralph and Norton are now back at the Rescue almost exactly 1 year later. They are still very sweet, curious and just needed a little TLC. Now we just need to find these br...

Gizmo & Gumshoe

Gizmo and Gumshoe are the sweetest, most friendly boys we've met in a long time! And despite everything they've been through, they managed to maintain their wonderful personalities and warm up to new people very quickly. Gizmo and Gumshoe are brothers, with an estimated date of birth of July or August of 2021. According to the person who surrendered them to the Rescue, she purchased them from someone on Kijiji who had in turn originally purchased them from a local breeder. When these boys ...

Rocky, Zuma & Skylar

*** In order to adopt, you must be an existing client of a vet clinic that sees rats or have been accepted as a new client at a clinic that sees rats *** Meet brothers Rocky, Zuma & Skylar. Their mother was originally purchased from Pets World to feed a snake. Luckily, the snake wasn’t feeling hungry and a kind lady offered to take in the mom rat. What she didn’t know was that the mom rat was pregnant, and she gave birth to 8 babies on April 1, 2022, including these three. All three boys ...

Marshall & Chase

*** In order to adopt, you must be an existing client of a vet clinic that sees rats or have been accepted as a new client at a clinic that sees rats *** Meet brothers Marshall & Chase. Their mother was originally purchased from Pets World to feed a snake. Luckily, the snake wasn’t feeling hungry and a kind lady offered to take in the mom rat. What she didn’t know was that the mom rat was pregnant, and she gave birth to 8 babies on April 1, 2022, including Marshall & Chase. Both boys are ...

Miso (neutered) & Tako (neutered)

*** In order to adopt, you must be an existing client of a vet clinic that sees rats or have been accepted as a new client at a clinic that sees rats *** Brothers Miso & Tako were surrendered to the rescue as day-old babies in March of 2021. They were quickly adopted and until recently, have been spoiled and lived a rather wonderful life. Unfortunately, Miso became hormonal aggressive and their adopters decided that they could not handle this new development and did not want to go through the...

Jaxon & Speck

*** In order to adopt, you must be an existing client of a vet clinic that sees rats or have been accepted as a new client at a clinic that sees rats *** Meet brothers Jaxon & Buddy who were born at the Rescue on Feb. 19, 2022. Their mothers are sisters who were found dumped in a box on the side of the road in Napanee, ON. Luckily, a kind human found them, and brought them to the Rescue. These babies have been raised with so much love and care and have been handled since the day they were ...

Spot & Buddy

*** In order to adopt, you must be an existing client of a vet clinic that sees rats or have been accepted as a new client at a clinic that sees rats *** Update April 22, 2022: Buddy has an abscess on his neck/chest area. The vet has drained it, but he will need a 3 week course of antibiotics before going to a forever home. Meet brothers Spot & Speck who were born at the Rescue on Feb. 19, 2022. Their mothers are sisters who were found dumped in a box on the side of the road in Napanee, ON...

Xander & Dusty

*** In order to adopt, you must be an existing client of a vet clinic that sees rats or have been accepted as a new client at a clinic that sees rats *** Meet brothers Xander & Dusty who were born at the Rescue on Feb. 19, 2022. Their mothers are sisters who were found dumped in a box on the side of the road in Napanee, ON. Luckily, a kind human found them, and brought them to the Rescue. These babies have been raised with so much love and care and have been handled since the day they were...

Quincy, Arrow & Dexter

*** In order to adopt, you must be an existing client of a vet clinic that sees rats or have been accepted as a new client at a clinic that sees rats *** Update March 25, 2022: Arrow will be neutered to help curb some bully behaviour towards his brothers. This perfect trio of sweet boys are ready to give you kisses and put smiles on your face. Born in April of 2021, these boys were surrendered to the Rescue after the children of their previous family lost interest. They have blossomed into...


*** In order to adopt, you must be an existing client of a vet clinic that sees rats or have been accepted as a new client at a clinic that sees rats *** Update: March 6, 2022. Unfortunately, after 7 months of 2 types of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication, Michelangelo continued to decline and the difficult decision was made to have him euthanized by our veterinarian. RIP Mike. Update: Oct. 14, 2022. Donatello had two keratin cysts removed. A large 4cm one from the base of his t...

Springfield & Dusty (neutered)

Springfield and Dusty are brothers who came from a very neglectful situation where they were left to live in filth, infested with mites and left to wallow in their own urine. Thankfully, we were able to take them in at a relatively young age, and despite how nervous they were at first, these boys have made huge progress. Estimated to be born between Dec. 23 and 25th of 2020, these boys are still young and have some growing left to do. Both boys are now neutered due to some aggressive beha...

Xavier-Lee, Francis & Charles (special needs)

Meet this trio of of older boys, Xavier-Lee, Francis & Charles. They were unfortunately neglected for most of their life and surrendered to the Rescue with some health issues. Of the three Xavier-Lee is the oldest at approximately 2 years old, but he also happens to be the healthiest. His only ailment is some natural balding due to being a Rex rat. Both Francis and Charles are estimated to be about 1 year old and both suffer from respiratory infections. Thankfully, they are responding w...

Bug & Cowboy

Meet brothers Bug & Cowboy. These two were born March 9th, 2021. Their mother was originally surrendered to the rescue already pregnant. These boys were born at the Rescue and have been handled since day both. Both are extremely friendly and just need a little bit of time and encouragement to come out of their shell when they go into a new home. Even though they are still so young, potential adoptions need to have an enclosure that meets or preferably exceeds our minimum requirements. Please...

Checkers (neutered) & Othello

Update: July 21, 2021. Unfortunately Othello's face abscess has returned. We will again treat with antibiotics and saline flushes. Update: June 10, 2021. Great news! Turns out, the mass on Othello's face was an abscess, most likely caused by fighting between Othello and his brother Checkers. As such, Checkers has now been neutered, and Othello, after 1 month of oral antibiotics and thorough saline flushing of his abscess is 100% recovered! Update: April 17, 2021. Unfortunately Othello appe...

Bryon & Percy (special needs)

A word from their foster family: "Bryon & Percy are really good boys. They use their litter box almost all the time and are very sweet. They still don't like to be picked up, and out times are often spent in one of the boxes, too shy to come out, but they don't run away at loud sounds, or us, and they love nibbling our fingernails and playing hide and seek." Bryon & Percy were surrendered to the Rescue with severe respiratory infections. After months of treatment with antibiotics, both...

Frey & Loki

Brothers Frey & Loki are estimated to be born Dec. 20, 2020. They are friendly though still a little bit shy. Once they are out of their cage and used to their new environment, both will clamber all over their human as long as we are calm and don't make any sudden loud noises. Considering how young they are, their progress has been incredibly quick and likely with just a bit of patience and persistence, they will become extremely friendly and social boys. To apply to adopt Frey & Loki, ple...

Ullysses & Ajax

Meet brothers, Ullysses & Ajax. These two are estimated to have been born in July of 2020. Both are extremely curious and friendly and don't mind at all being held. Since they came from a neglectful home previously, they are still a little bit nervous about being picked up, but it only takes the tiniest bit of coaxing to have them crawl onto your hand or arms themselves. If you're interest in adopting these two adorable brothers, please fill out an adoption application form.

Max, Merlin & Marcel

This trouble-some trio were from two separate litters, but you would never guess because of how tightly bonded they now are. Of the 3, Marcel (right) was born Oct. 25, 2020, while his two adopted brothers were born just 2 days earlier. Marcel is also half-wild, meaning his father was a wild rat, while his mother was a fully domesticated (and extremely friendly) pet rat who had been abandoned outside. These three must be adopted together. Due to their past, they would prefer an experienced ...

Yuri & Neptune

Meet brothers, Yuri & Neptune. Born Aug. 22 or Aug. 23, 2020, these two are maybe technically actually cousins, but their mothers raised them together, literally taking turns feeding them. Because of this, the two are absolutely inseparable. Yes, they do have their scuffles here and there, like all brothers do, but they are always found curled around each other in the hammocks. Both Yuri and Neptune are curious and adventurous. They're not the biggest fans of being picked up, but at the same ...

Ned & Edbert

Meet brothers Ned and Edbert. These two were actually surrendered to the Rescue when only a few weeks old and thus benefited from being socialized since a very early age. Both boys are extremely friendly and social, though Ned is definitely the more outgoing one. Edbert loves to be around people, and playing and cuddling with his brother, but he's definitely less happy about being carried around. These boys were born in July of 2019, making them just over a year old. Unfortunately both are...

Pluto & Series (neutered)

These extremely friendly and outgoing brothers were born around May 20, 2020. They do still have a bit of growing left to do and would ideally find a home where they will have a large enclosure, or free run of a home. They are extremely well behaved will come when called. If you are interested in giving Pluto & Series a home, please fill out our adoption application form.

Quincy & Perceval

Identical twin brothers, Quincy & Perceval were born sometime in April of 2020, making them currently the youngest rats at the Rescue. These brothers were purchased from Kijiji, only to have mites or lice, which unfortunately their previous human did not have the time or funds to treat. With just a drop of Revolution each, and a very thorough cage clean, these brothers are now healthy, curious, bouncy and ready to find that perfect forever home. Although they may look identical, you can ea...

Arlo & Rene

These sweet, but slightly shy boys are estimated to be 5-7 months old. They were surrendered by their previous human who was moving and unfortunately didn't appear to have the resources to give them the kind of life they required. Both boys arrived very nervous, not used to handling and extremely skinny. Thankfully, after just 3 weeks with one of our experienced foster homes, they've already come a long way. They are now at a much healthier weight, and have learned to relax and enjoy the ...

Arthur & Henry

Brothers Arthur and Henry are estimated to be about 1-1.5 years old. Well, you would never guess it based on how active and friendly they are. These funny hairless boys have very contrasting personalities. Why Arthur is brave, curious and outgoing; Henry, is shy and a little reserved. But, with enough patience and treats, you can definitely win them both over. These boys are tightly bonded and need to go to a home together. To apply to give these boys a loving home, please fill out an o...