Shucks & Jerry

Shucks and Jerry look like brothers and act like brothers, but surprisingly, they are not! Jerry was originally adopted from the Rescue in June of 2023, however was returned to the Rescue in 2024. Shucks was originally adopted from the Montreal SPCA by that same person as a tiny palm-sized baby. The two of them are inseparable! Both boys are chill, friendly, easy to handle and are looking for a forever home where they will be cuddled, loved and given lots of space to explore and roam at the...

Sakkari & Aryna

A few words about them from their Foster Family: Sakkari: This strong and friendly girl is a cuddler. She loves to snuggle in my neck and she can stay there for as long as I let her. She runs to the front of the cage whenever she hears us go by. Aryna: My little drama queen! She lets out little screams (when she doesn't agree with my decisions of when we should interact), but don't let it fool you, it's all an act. She is a little more shy then Sakkari but has been coming out of her shell ...

Ebby & Bob (neutered)

*** In order to adopt, you must be an existing client of a vet clinic that sees rats or have been accepted as a new client at a clinic that sees rats *** Ebby and Bob are an odd couple for sure. Ebby was actually born at the rescue on Aug. 30, 2020. Her mother was a domesticated rat who was dumped outside and her father was a wild rat. This means Ebby is half-wild. She's not a big fan of being held, although she will tolerate it if it means play time. And she's not a big fan of being pet....

Aria (spayed) & Deny

Update: September 23, 2022. Aria has developed a series of small abscesses near and around her groin. She is currently on antibiotics which costs about $30/month. Update: August 12, 2022. Deny has a skin infection and is slowly showing signs of improvement after several weeks of treatment. Unfortunately, she has now also developed three tumors: one in her groin and two more on her right hip. Due to her age and existing skin condition, she is not a candidate for surgery. She currently require...

Bandit, Ash, Badger, Dove & Gizmo

These 5 baby brothers (from left to right) Bandit, Ash, Badger, Dove & Gizmo who were born at the rescue on March 9, 2021. Their mothers were surrendered to the rescue along with 57 other rats from a woman who unfortunately allowed her 5 pet rats to breed uncontrollably. Luckily, these boys will never have to live through that! Of the 5, Ash and Dove are the most chill and friendly, while Gizmo is still quite nervous and will need a calm and patient human to show him there's no reason to ...

Menma & Mei

Update: June 14th, 2021. Unfortunately, Mei's respiratory infection has returned and will likely require treatment for the rest of her life. Additionally, Menma is now exhibiting symptoms of Pituitary Tumor. She will also undergo treatment with cabergoline. Don't let their age fool you. At 1.5 years old, Menma and Mei are both still so incredibly full of beans. They run, they climb, they explore, they do everything a young rat would want to do with boundless amounts of energy. Their foster mo...

Bryon & Percy (special needs)

A word from their foster family: "Bryon & Percy are really good boys. They use their litter box almost all the time and are very sweet. They still don't like to be picked up, and out times are often spent in one of the boxes, too shy to come out, but they don't run away at loud sounds, or us, and they love nibbling our fingernails and playing hide and seek." Bryon & Percy were surrendered to the Rescue with severe respiratory infections. After months of treatment with antibiotics, both...

Frey & Loki

Brothers Frey & Loki are estimated to be born Dec. 20, 2020. They are friendly though still a little bit shy. Once they are out of their cage and used to their new environment, both will clamber all over their human as long as we are calm and don't make any sudden loud noises. Considering how young they are, their progress has been incredibly quick and likely with just a bit of patience and persistence, they will become extremely friendly and social boys. To apply to adopt Frey & Loki, ple...

Max, Merlin & Marcel

This trouble-some trio were from two separate litters, but you would never guess because of how tightly bonded they now are. Of the 3, Marcel (right) was born Oct. 25, 2020, while his two adopted brothers were born just 2 days earlier. Marcel is also half-wild, meaning his father was a wild rat, while his mother was a fully domesticated (and extremely friendly) pet rat who had been abandoned outside. These three must be adopted together. Due to their past, they would prefer an experienced ...

Arwen & Hera

Meet sisters, Arwen & Hera. These two girls were born Oct. 25, 2020. Both girls are half-wild rat, meaning her father was a wild rat, while her mother was a fully domesticated (and extremely friendly) pet rat who had been abandoned outside. Both girls are fine with being held and handled, however, due to their past, they would prefer an experienced home. Strong preference will be given to any adopters who already have friendly, older female rats at home. Half-Wild rats tend to remain wary...

Desdemonna & Megan

Meet adopted sisters, Desdemonna & Megan. These two girls were born Oct. 25 and Oct. 23, 2020 respectively. However, they get along wonderfully as they were raised together. Desdemonna is a half-wild rat, meaning her father was a wild rat, while her mother was a fully domesticated (and extremely friendly) pet rat who had been abandoned outside. Both girls are fine with being held and handled, however, due to their past, they would prefer an experienced home. Strong preference will be give...


Update Jan. 28, 2021. Unfortunately, Cora had to be euthanized at the emergency vet early Thursday morning due to respiratory related complications. Cora had been battling chronic respiratory infections for well over a year. RIP little one. Cora and Rowena are actually related. Cora was born Oct. 31, 2018, while Rowena was likely born 6 months earlier and was in fact Cora's grandmother. Both girls were taken from a backyard breeder who was primarily breeding snake food. After spending almo...

Frankie (neutered) and Toby

These boys are estimated to be 4-5 months old, with Toby being about 1 month younger than Frankie. Both these boys had a very rough start to life. Toby was sold as snake food, but thankfully, the snake started shedding, and so the people who bought him decided to give him away. Thank goodness, because Toby is the sweetest, most loving rat ever. He loves people! Every time he sees his foster dad walk by, he usually sprints to the door in hopes of being picked up. Poor Frankie was abandoned...

Wilma, Amy (special needs) & Nutmeg

Meet this trio of unlikely friends (from left to right), Wilma who is about 1 year old, Amy, who is estimated to be 1.5 years old and Nutmeg, who is around 7 months old. All three were brought into the rescue from dire situations. Wilma had a small mass and a hernia on top of a respiratory infection. All of her health issues have now been completely resolved. She is a lovely girl who loves to play hard, but then cuddles just as hard. Amy was surrendered by a family who ignored her obvio...

Arlo & Rene

These sweet, but slightly shy boys are estimated to be 5-7 months old. They were surrendered by their previous human who was moving and unfortunately didn't appear to have the resources to give them the kind of life they required. Both boys arrived very nervous, not used to handling and extremely skinny. Thankfully, after just 3 weeks with one of our experienced foster homes, they've already come a long way. They are now at a much healthier weight, and have learned to relax and enjoy the ...

Sebright & Shamo

Meet sisters Sebright & Shamo who will absolutely melt your heart. Their estimated birthday is Aug. 17 or 19th. They were the result of a pet store not separating their males and females. Are you looking for fun, active, super friendly rats who have boundless energy and are always ready to come out and play? Well look no further. Please remember that these two are still extremely young and will need time, love and lots of enrichment to mature into happy and well socialized rats. And even ...

Wyandotte & Calatana

Meet sisters Wyandotte & Calatana who will absolutely melt your heart. Their estimated birthday is Aug. 17 or 19th. They were the result of a pet store not separating their males and females. Are you looking for fun, active, super friendly rats who have boundless energy and are always ready to come out and play? Well look no further. Please remember that these two are still extremely young and will need time, love and lots of enrichment to mature into happy and well socialized rats. And e...

Poe (neutered)

Poe had a very rough start to life as he was found on the side of a road in a box along with 23 other rats. Thankfully, several rescues were able to step in and help save them. Poe is one of 13 males we took in from that rescue situation. After months in our care, he has made incredible strides in becoming a well-socialized, relaxed rattie. Unfortunately, the one thing we have still not been able to find for him, is a friend. Poe does NOT get along with other males. He is quite dominant and d...

Margaret & Elizabeth

Meet Elizabeth (beige) & her sister Margaret (black) These 2 sisters came from a pretty horrid situation where they lived with 2 others in a tiny cramped cage with no food or toys. They have come a very long way, as all of them were desperately in need of some proper nourishment and socialization. Of all of them, Elizabeth is the most outgoing. She's brave, adventurous and actually kind of likes people now. Margaret on the other hand, still needs quite a bit of patience and someone who can...

Opal (spayed) & Pirate

Meet Opal and Pirate, two spunky girls who still have a lot of growing to do and tons of energy to expend. Opal is estimated to be 4 months old. She was spayed when only 3 months old, meaning she will hopefully be much healthier with a drastically LOWER chance of any reproductive cancers. She is a little love bug. She loves to give kisses and always looks for opportunities to scramble into your hand. Once she's out, she's quite bossy and confidence. Nothing phases her. She loves to explore, c...

Stallone (“Squeaky”) & Van Damme

Meet inseparable brothers Stallone ("Squeaky") and Van Damme. These two friendly, curious boys unfortunately waited months at a dog pound in Montreal before they were transferred to us for a better chance at adoption. As per their foster dad: "Both are still fidgety and get scared of sudden movements or unusual noises, but are very friendly and sociable. Squeaky loves being pat on the top of his head, and Van Damme likes to burrow into your shirt. You might need to get these two adopted AS...

Clyde (neutered) & TJ

Meet funny, curious, friendly boys Clyde and TJ. These boys are an estimated 4-6 months old and still have plenty of growing left to do. The boys are typical fun-loving, excitable, super active boys who will take every opportunity to explore, run around and sniff things. They are very fond of people and have no problems at all being picked up or handled. However, they would definitely prefer to run around and climb instead of just being held all the time. They have way too much energy to just...

Ben & Sailor

Meet brothers Ben & Sailor. We know for sure that they were born some time in June of 2016 making them almost exactly 1 year old at the moment. Originally dumped in a box at the SPCA in Gatineau, these boys had been adopted into a forever home. Unfortunately, due to their human's increasingly busy schedule, they could not longer be given the love and attention they deserved. Ben and Sailor are now back at the Rescue and once again looking for a place to call their own. Due to a period of n...

Stevie & Walter

Meet sweet, curious brothers Stevie and Walter! These two are inseparable despite their different personalities. But that is also part of their charm! While Stevie loves people and is always happy to be picked up, to smell your hands and just chill out on your shoulders or in your hoodie (his favourite thing), Walter likes to be more independent and is definitely more of an adventurer. These boys are estimated to be 8-10 months old and are definitely ready to find a forever home to call their...