Cosmo and Quasar

Brothers Cosmo and Quasar are estimated to be about 1.5 years old. They were originally purchased from Critter Jungle in Orleans, but after being with their family for almost a year, they unfortunately were no longer safe in their current home. With their best interest in mind, their family decided to surrender them to the Rescue. Both boys are quiet, and more on the shy side. They require quite a bit of coaxing to get them to come out and explore. They definitely do still feel most comfor...

Murray (sponsor me!)

Murray is a sweet adult male who was surrendered to us by a well-meaning lady who unfortunately had to move out of the country. This gentle, but awkward boy arrived with severe respiratory infection that was not being treated properly with the right antibiotics. This had unfortunately been going on for over 6 months. Now in the care of the Rescue, one of our most experienced foster homes is doing everything they can to keep Murray healthy and happy. Murray requires daily antibioitcs and...

Arlo & Rene

These sweet, but slightly shy boys are estimated to be 5-7 months old. They were surrendered by their previous human who was moving and unfortunately didn't appear to have the resources to give them the kind of life they required. Both boys arrived very nervous, not used to handling and extremely skinny. Thankfully, after just 3 weeks with one of our experienced foster homes, they've already come a long way. They are now at a much healthier weight, and have learned to relax and enjoy the ...


Sweet and independant Gordon has the honor of being the oldest rat currently living at the Rescue. He was surrendered along with 10 other rats at the age of 1-1.5 years old in 2019, and has never been able to get completely healthy. To this day, Gordon requires twice daily doxycycline and prednisone to keep his respiratory infection under control. Good thing is, Gordon LOVES cooked food. He loves rice, pasta, baby food, veggie purees and all sort of human junk food, so getting him to take ...

Papi, Chaton & Coco

Meet these 3 adorable boys who are friendly, well-socialized, love to interact with their humans and are all-round, just perfect rats. Coco (beige and white) is definitely the leader of the three. He is mister independent and takes it upon himself to be alpha and to keep the others in line and safe. Papi (brown dumbo) is probably the most chill and cuddly of the three. He's relaxed, he's happy to get cuddles, food and lots of naps. Finally, we have tiny little Chaton who is a few months young...

Lohmann & Tomaru

Meet brothers Lohmann & Tomaru who will absolutely melt your heart. Both boys were born either Aug. 17 or 19th. They were the result of a pet store not separating their males and females. Are you looking for fun, active, super friendly rats who have boundless energy and are always ready to come out and play? Well look no further. Please remember that these two are still extremely young and will need time, love and lots of enrichment to mature into happy and well socialized rats. And even ...

Poe (neutered)

Poe had a very rough start to life as he was found on the side of a road in a box along with 23 other rats. Thankfully, several rescues were able to step in and help save them. Poe is one of 13 males we took in from that rescue situation. After months in our care, he has made incredible strides in becoming a well-socialized, relaxed rattie. Unfortunately, the one thing we have still not been able to find for him, is a friend. Poe does NOT get along with other males. He is quite dominant and d...

Fisher & Bantom

Update: Orpinton was adopted with 2 other boys, Frizzel and Orloff instead! Fisher and Bantom are still looking for a home as a pair. Meet this trio of brothers who will absolutely melt your heart. All three boys were born some time between Aug. 17 and Aug. 20th. They were all the result of a pet store not separating their males and females. They have thankfully been very well cared for and socialized since birth, so all three are fairly outgoing and would settle into a new home very quic...

Chester & Ezra

Brothers Chester & Ezra are estimated to be about 6 months old and are now looking for their forever home! These two beautiful, curious boys were surrendered by their well-meaning previous owner when she found herself in a very difficult situation. It would seem that at some point, they were well-loved, but came to us infested with lice and quite skiddish. After a few weeks at the Rescue, they are now quickly coming around. They love to dig around in blankets and also come up to you to sa...

Coville (neutered) & Jackson

Brothers Coville and Jackson are rambunctious, fun-loving, friendly boys who were transferred to us from the SPCA in Gatineau. They are estimated to be anywhere between 5-10 months old. Both of them came in with some mild respiratory issues, but after a few weeks in a clean, stress-free environment, their lungs have cleared up and these boys are now looking for a forever home to call their own. They are both extremely active and high-energy rats and will need a large enclosure as well as lots...

Perriwinkle (neutered) & Cota

Meet brother's Perri and Cota. These two hilarious, bouncy boys would be a wonderful addition to any family who has the time and space to give them lots of attention and time-outside the cage to run, climb and generally go crazy. Of the two, Perri is definitely more active. He doesn't like to sit still, he's always curious about everything and is a very good climber (although he tends to get stuck on things and will need your help to get down). Cota on the other hand, calms down after about ...

Teddy & Bear

Meet brothers Teddy & Bear. These two sweethearts were being used as studs in a breeding project. They had a pretty rough start, living in a tiny cramped hamster cage and not given any chance to actually play and be rats. Thankfully, a kind-hearted lady convinced the previous owners to surrender them to her and she provided them with a huge upgrade! She reached out to us in the hopes of finding them a longer term home and a better chance at finding a forever home. Both boys are extremely s...

Seth & Rogan

These boys were transferred to us from the Gatineau SPCA after no one seemed to want to adopt them. We can't understand why, because honestly, Seth and Rogan are two of the sweetest boys we have ever met. They are curious, extremely gentle, and wonderful little beings who are calm and tolerate handling very well. Being picked up isn't their favourite thing, especially not for Seth who tends to be a bit squirmy, but once they are in your arms and have a nice sweater to snuggle into, they are c...

Stallone (“Squeaky”) & Van Damme

Meet inseparable brothers Stallone ("Squeaky") and Van Damme. These two friendly, curious boys unfortunately waited months at a dog pound in Montreal before they were transferred to us for a better chance at adoption. As per their foster dad: "Both are still fidgety and get scared of sudden movements or unusual noises, but are very friendly and sociable. Squeaky loves being pat on the top of his head, and Van Damme likes to burrow into your shirt. You might need to get these two adopted AS...

Lemmy & Jethro

Sweet, slightly chubby Lemmy & Jethro were surrendered to the rescue soon after their second birthday. Their previous human ran into financial difficulties, and unable to even pay the surrender fee required by the Humane Society, turned to the Ottawa Pet Rat Rescue, hoping that we could take them in. Both boys were clearly well-loved and despite having a tiny, empty cage, they are extremely social and even love to give kisses. They will likely live out the rest of their lives with our perm...

Jude & Eddie

Jude & Eddie are both estimated to be 4-6 months old. These boys were purchased by a student, passed on to a classmate, then surrendered to the rescue when that classmate could no longer care for them. In their still young lives, they have been through so many changes and have yet to find a loving home. Unfortunately in their previous home, they were confined to a fairly small cage and this resulted in Jude being extremely dominant with Eddie and also slightly cage aggressive. However, now th...

Whisky (neutered)

Meet adventurous Whisky! This sweet, fun-loving boy was transferred to us from the SPCA Gatineau after being given only a few days to live. Unfortunately, Whisky had a serious hormone issue and was always charging around looking for someone to bite. As soon as we received him at the Rescue, Whisky was neutered, and now 3 weeks later, he is sweet as can be, comes when called and is more than happy to be picked up and carried around. Other male rats do still annoy him, so Whisky's ideal h...

Sonny (neutered)

Meet sweet, playful Sonny! Gone is the nervous, bitey boy who was surrendered to us about a month ago. Sonny would love nothing more than a bunch of lovely lady rats and a human who would like to hand-wrestle. This boy is estimated to be 7 months old. He was rescued off Kijiji by a lovely lady who wanted to give him a better life with friends and a big cage. Unfortunately, it seemed that Sonny kept on biting his would be rescuer, and ended up being isolated in a cage alone due to the fact tha...

Susan & Gabriel (neutered)

** Medical Hold ** Susan has developed a mammary tumor and will not be available for adoption until after successful removal and recovery. Susan & Gabriel are two sweet rats who are absolutely in love with each other. They are never far from each other, and spend most of their time cuddling, eating while pressed against each other, or taking turns draped over each other. And if that weren't cute enough, Gabriel is about twice Susan's size, yet he regularly lets her roll him over and groom ...

Stanley & Brando

Both boys were rescued by a kind lady in Kingston right before they were to become snake food. Stanley is much larger and very outgoing where as Brando is smaller and takes a little longer to warm up to you. Both boys are oh so sweet and really bask in any attention they get. Please do not let the fact that these boys are albino put you off. Fur-colour and eye-color are not an indication of temperament or personality. Just like other rats, these brothers are looking for a loving home of their...

Louie, Franklin & Gamer

Franklin was a rescue from a Kjiji Ottawa ad. The photo that was provided by his previous 'owner' showed a tiny hamster cage with a sickly looking rat curled up inside. We knew we had to go and get him. Now he lives in a big cage with other boy ratty friends, and life is great! Louie was surrendered by his previous owners after they decided they had no more time to care for him. His back and sides were solid with scabs and clumps of his fur were missing everywhere from the worst mite infestation...

Kirby & Yoshi

Kirby and Yoshi, formerly Hunter and Marlow, have been adopted into a wonderful home where they will be lavished with the cuddles and attention they deserve. These two boys are members of the group of rats and babies we took in from the SPCA. They are originally from a pet store that dumped 66 rats (including some pregnant adults) on the SPCA - who is simply not equipped to handle that many rats. We stepped in, taking 29 of the rats - including these two loves. These boys will be avai...

Ben & Rupert

Rupert was found running around outside and was rescued initially by Lisa. Unfortunately, one of her boys is a bit of a bully and did not accept Rupert. Ben is a tiny albino boy who was dumped along with his sister at a pet store just outside of Alexandria and was rescued by a woman named Adele right before the pet store owner was going to feed him to a snake. She realized very quickly that rats need a friend. She asked us for help. We took him in because we knew Rupert and he would be similar i...