Wanda & Lilith (spayed)

Sisters Wanda and Lilith were part of a large seizure at the Montreal SPCA. We have very little information about them, except that it's suspected they were originally bred to be snake food. The Montreal SPCA found themselves with over 50 rats and very little space, so these two were transferred to us to give them a better chance of being adopted. Unfortunately Wanda and Lilith arrived extremely scared. They would literally scream every time you touch them or even attempt to pick them up. Lil...


July 15, 2020: Helena has been diagnosed with a uterine tumor or mass. Awaiting further examination and possible surgery for spay/removal. July 23, 2020: Helena has underwent emergency spay/surgery to have her abnormal uterus removed in Montreal. So far, she is recovering well. Sept., 2020. Unfortunately, a month after her surgery and her wound had fully healed, Helena started to bleed again despite no longer have ovaries or a uterus. Antibiotics were started again along with pain medication, ...

Pebble & Yukon

Meet baby sisters, Pebble and Yukon! Don't ask us who is who, because thus far, they are pretty identical. These two baby girls are an estimated 2 months old and unfortunately came from a hoarder who originally had intended to feed them to his snake. They, along with 21 other albino rats, were surrendered to us when he realized that he just had too many rats! Pebble and Yukon are slowly coming around under the kindness and persuasion of their foster mom. They are curious, but still skidd...

Romulus (neutered) & Remus

These two brothers were originally meant to be snake food. Thankfully, a kind lady stepped in and was able to save them from that fate at a fairly early age. Estimated to be about 6 months old, Romulus and Remus have tons of energy, love to explore, but still need a home that is patient and can continue to bring out their confidence and true personalities. As of late November 2017, Romulus has been exhibiting some hormonal behaviour. He will be neutered Dec. 14, 2017 and will be on medical ho...

Orbit & Flare

Yes, they are pretty much the cutest little boys you will ever meet. Orbit & Flare are brothers who were originally bred to be snake food. They spent the first 7 weeks of their lives eating a mixture of dog food, bird seeds and rodent mix living in a 9L Rubbermaid bin. Thankfully, the human who had them before had a change of heart and decided she would no longer feed her snakes live rats. Understandably, Orbit and Flare are nervous about being touched or picked up. They absolutely LOVE to...

John Smith & Flynn Rider

Meet John Smith and his brother and best-friend, Flynn. The two are pretty much inseparable and like to get into all sorts of trouble together. Quite often, I find them guilty and covered in dirt, digging up my houseplants together. Other times, they climb up on an empty cage, even though they know they're not supposed to be there, and then they end up stuck and need help getting down. Both boys are about 6-7 months old and are almost done growing. John Smith is the albino, and is the slightl...

Gaston & Chias

Meet Gaston and Chias who were abandoned by a "feeder breeder" in Toronto. Thankfully, our good friend Alex offered these brothers - and TWENTY TWO other rats - a safe home until they could be transferred to the Rescue in Ottawa. Gaston is brave, outgoing, and definitely wants to be the boss. His right hand man is Chias, who gives as good as he gets. These two are the most friendly and are looking for a home where they will be allowed to have lengthy out-times to burn off all that excess energy....

George, Franklin & Lucas

Meet George, Franklin & Lucas (left to right), three babies who were lucky to be saved and to meet each other. Lucas was born when a pet store sold his pregnant young mother as a pet. Since she was a baby herself, she only gave birth to 3 little ones and he was the only boy. The girl who purchased his mother decided she could not keep him and so brought him to the Rescue. Franklin and Lucas were going to become snake food, but after a series of fortunate and not-so-fortunate events, they end...

Fred & George

These brave little boys are estimated to be about 3.5 months old as of April 20, 2015. Fred & George are two nearly identically, and totally inseparable brothers. They have lived every moment of their young lives so far, together, and we would like to make sure that it stays that way. The best way to tell these boys apart is to look at their white tummy markings. Similar, but one definitely has a little more white (we just aren't sure which yet!). Both boys are super outgoing and always fo...

Harry & Ronald

These brave little boys are estimated to be about 3.5 months old as of April 20, 2015. Harry is a black self with a big healing gash on his shoulder. He's quite the trooper, and despite his deplorable beginnings, is happy to march right out into anyone's hand! His brother Ronald is just as outgoing. These two lucky boys are unfazed by the sudden change in their life and has accepted their new freedom with gusto! They are looking for a forever home that will allow them to climb, explore and...